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Impact of Pop Music on Teens
Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 3:46 AM

Nowadays, pop music is getting more popular among the teenagers such as K-Pop and J-Pop. Music is a sound of soul and music can help to change a teenager’s emotions and attitudes, both positively and negatively. Most teenagers spend a lot of time listening to music.
Some songs are educative and contain positive messages that will bring good emotions to the teenagers. The positive impact of pop music also helps to relieve pressure and relaxes their minds as the teenagers are under a lot of stress due to the competition among students and the fast pace environment.
However, it will lead to negative impact if the teenagers keep listen to music that contains the negative lyrics or videos can influence the minds of the teenagers that still growing. Some of teenagers can’t even concentrate on studying while listening to music. If teenagers being too obsess with k-pop or j-pop they will neglect their studies. Besides that, some of the teenagers will dress up as what the artist wore in the music video to follow the popularity. Therefore, parents should get involved in the music their child listens to and parents should educate their child to listen to music that is beneficial to their learning.
In conclusion, pop music has greatly affected the behavior of teenagers. Therefore, parents should pay attention to what music their child are listening to as they grow up.  


Bullying in School
@ 3:44 AM

Nowadays, bullying in school is commonly seen. I always wonder why bullying happen in schools? School should be a safe place for students to gain knowledge and get prepared for their future. The reason of bullying happens as some of the parents do not give a correct concept to their child on how they should solve the problem when they meet. When the misunderstandings between two students occur, they will resort to physical and violence actions which is bullying.
The student who experiences the bullying will suffer from long life emotional effects. In fact, many students who are victims of bullying soon become adults who suffer from depression. Thus, they are unable to establish healthy relationships as adults when working in groups. The students will be affected academically as they cannot pay full attention in class and may play truancy in order to avoid bullies.
The school should hold some campaigns to reduce the bullying in school. The campaign can educate the students about the seriousness of the consequences of bullying and create awareness among students. In addition, Ministry of Education should ensure that all the teachers should undergo extensive training and know how to prevent bullying in school. Parents also play an important role in preventing bullying. Parents should give a correct concept to teach their child to avoid bullying and control their response to bullying.
In conclusion, both school and family members play an important role to prevent bullying cases happening in schools. I believe actions should be taken to reduce the number of bullying cases.


Recent Natural Disaster
@ 3:43 AM

Natural Disaster is a disaster that humans can’t control. Natural disasters such as tsunami, flood, tornados and earthquakes had caused negative impacts on millions of people every year. Natural disasters can impact on the individual, economy and environment. An example of natural disaster happens in 2010 is 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti that led to more than 250,000 people died.
Natural disasters will cause the destruction of properties, injures, loss of families, financial resources and security. Firstly, the individual impact of the natural disasters. When an individual experiences natural disaster, he or she will be anger, blame, stress disorders and depression. This is because an individual will lose everything within a minute.
Secondly, the damages caused to the environment. The natural environment will be destroyed depends on what types of disasters happened. Most of the plants and pets will also die. People of the less developed countries will suffer from hunger as their crops will be destroyed by the natural disaster.
Lastly, the impact of the natural disasters caused to the country. If natural disasters happen in a country, it will lead to a big impact to the economy of the country. The country will lose the resident population that died in the natural disaster and many victims of the natural disaster will homeless that needs a lot of relief funds. The country need to spend a lot of money in order to build up the environment and cures the victims in the aspects of physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore, the country will meet economy depression.
In conclusion, it is lucky that Singapore does not have any natural disasters and we will not have to worry when our loved ones will be taken away by the natural disasters.


Education System in Singapore
@ 3:42 AM

Apart from coming to Singapore to tour, Singapore also known as an education hub that provides higher level of education compared to other countries.
Over the years, there are an increasing number of students coming from other countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan and Korea come to Singapore study. Hence, this proves that the education system in Singapore is improving for the better from days to days. The education provides in Singapore are kindergartens, primary education, secondary education, junior colleges, universities and international schools.
Kindergarten is for the children aged between 3 and 6 years. Kindergartens prepared children for the formal education. Primary education includes four-year foundation stage and two-year orientation stage. Secondary education includes ‘Special’, ‘Express’, ‘Academic’ and ‘Technical’ depends on the student’s performance in the examination in the primary school.
There are five polytechnics in Singapore that offers with a diploma certificate. Junior colleges provide the students with an alternative to the three-year program and offer two-year program for the upper-stream students that need a degree certificate.
Many oversea students are looking for the universities in Singapore. There are two public universities and two private universities in Singapore. National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University are public universities while Singapore Management University and SIM University are private universities. The Ministry of Education will also ensure the beneficial for all the private schools students. Last but not least, the international schools in Singapore are for the overseas students.
The education system in Singapore not only focuses in academic results, it also encourages heavily the co-curricular activities and the talents for overall development of a student. Not only that, students will be able to learn to get along with students of different races as they are studying and playing together. Thus, it will prevent any misunderstanding between people and they will be able to live in harmony, especially Singapore is a multi-racial country.
In conclusion, Singapore is an ideal place for everyone to further their studies and get prepared for their future.


Animal Abuse
@ 3:41 AM

Nowadays, we often see news on animal abuses that are happening in almost every country. Every living thing includes animals has feeling.  They will also feel pain and feel sad. Why do some people want to abuse the animals? Why do these people have to behave in such a manner? What are they thinking? Have they ever wondered how would they feel if they are the animal? You should try to put yourself in the animals’ shoes instead of abusing them. Do you know it is really cruel to abuse animal?

Pets are like human friends. Pets like rabbits, dogs and cats are the most trusted friends, no matter how happy or how sad you are, they will still accompany with you. Hence, we shouldn't abuse them. If you like animals, you should love them and not abuse them.

Why do some people abuse their own pets? Is it because they do not obey instructions and misbehave? Hence, they need to be punished and this action is not ‘abuse’.  However, the reason why we are called ‘human’ is because we have the thinking ability but the animals do not have. Thus, animals don't deserve to be abused! We shouldn’t HURT them and we must help the poor helpless animals!
How animal abuse can be stopped by? Everyone should pay more attention to animal abuse and the community can organize seminars on animal abuse to let everyone know about its severity. Parents can also play a part to help by setting a good example to their children and teach them that it is immoral to abuse the animals. Thus, the case of animal abuse can reduce. In addition, we should know that animal abuse can be reduced only start with YOU and ME. PLEASE BE FRIEND WITH THEM and think about them!


Changing Face of Singapore Society
@ 3:40 AM

Singapore is an island country off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. Singapore has a population of about 5 million people made up of Chinese, Malays, Indians and others. There are about 42% of population are foreigners that work or study in Singapore. Singapore has been constantly changing for the better after it gained independence in 1965.

Singapore has become a popular travel destination when two casino resorts have built up. The other annual events that Singapore held in order to attract more visitors are Singapore Food Festival (every July), Singapore Sun Festival, Singapore Arts Festival and the Christmas Light Up. Besides, the education system has improved by the days and now Singapore is also well-known as an education hub with the good teaching methods and materials.
In the aspect of sports, Singapore had held Youth Olympics Games 2010 successfully. From 2008, Singapore also hosted the Formula One World Championship. These two big events that Singapore held had proven that the cooperation between the government and Singaporeans has lead to success of the two events which made Singapore a different country from the beginning. These events also attract a lot of visitors to Singapore that lead to the booming of Singapore’s economy.
In conclusion, Singapore has made a lot of successful events due to the contribution of government and all the citizens in Singapore. Thus, everyone has played an important role in making Singapore a successful country.
